Fell in love with Crystal Red Shrimps?
Are you fancinated by the beauty of small little critters known as Crystal Red Shrimps and simply couldn't resist the temptation of trying your hands on them? Welcome then, to join the big and still growing ranks of people in the fun and engaging hobby.
Setting up and maintaining a Shrimp Aquarium is a really simple affair as long as you grasp the grip of keeping water at the right parameters with simple to use products. In this article, we bring you a simple tutorial on how to set up a Shrimp Tank where you can also keep some nice plants as deocration.

添加了礦物和土壤的添加劑、能讓硝化菌成長速度更快。您可以選擇使用Borneo Wild系列產品做為底床基礎。
1.Prepare Layout Material
At the base of the tank are the minerals and additives that helps the soil matures and stables faster. You can choose to use Minerax (minerals), Vigor (Enhances bacterial activities), Bacter Crystal (Substrate bacterial), Humic (Helps to regulate GH/PH).

2.Lay the Substrate Additives
Lay a thin layer of each at the bottom of the tank. There is no specific order of adding them.

先添加後基板 addtivies,慢慢地再倒 BorneoWild 於水晶蝦土壤中。
BorneoWild 可幫助清除新設缸時呎產生的一些雜質,並啟動與快速達到合適的 GH/PH 水質。有助於讓您能提早 3-4 個工作日放入蝦隻。
3.Topping up Soil
After adding the substrate addtivies, pour BorneoWild Shrimp Soil slowly in. BorneoWild Shrimp Soil gives you clear water set up, starts with suitable GH/PH levels. You can also add shrimps sooner within 3-4days

4.Pour the remainder of the soil into the tank. |

5.Shaping the Soil
Level the soil or slope and shape them according to your liking. Remember to leave space for filter.

下一步,佈局天然 岩石。
6.Decorating with rocks
Next, layout aquascaping rocks. We recommend using Minerock as they release essential mineral gradually on top of their natural appeal. The exterior layer of the Minerock could be brittle.

7.Adding the Plants
Next, start placing the plants into the tank. We recommend modular plants such as Mini Fissiden on rock, Moss on rocks, Anubias or Bucep species that can grow with and without Co2 injection.

8.準備好水 !
8.Ready for Water!
The completed Simple, Shrimp Planted Tank.