
商品名稱: Mosura BioPlus 水晶蝦用爆殖素      貨號: MR-002


商品名稱: Mosura BioPlus 水晶蝦用爆殖素
販售單位:  一瓶 (淨重30g)

Mosura BioPlus是融合了科學配方的天然益菌


當有幼蝦出生時亦可使用Mosura Bioplus

使用Mosura Bioplus時請增加氧氣含量、無論如何蝦隻喜歡氧氣豐富的環境。
使用本品時可減少飼料的使用,Mosura BioPlus可直接作為蝦的食物來源。


Product Name: Mosura BioPlus
Net Weight: 30g

● Product Description:
Mosura BioPlus is a blend of all natural bacteria scientifically formulated
to create and maintain cleaner shrimp tanks. It improves water quality required
by highly sensitive shrimp species like Crystal Red Shrimps or Red Bee Shrimps
by breaking down and consuming dissolved waste and impurities in water.

It is also capable of breaking down physical waste and causing debris to sink down
to the bottom of gravel layer and thus maintain a heathy substrate and delay the occurance
Old Tank Syndrome.

It reduces mortality resulted with waste accumulation and toxic ammonia levels and
helps control pathogenic bacteria outbreaks by competitive exclusion. 
BioPlus contains trace nutrients which are necessary for bacteria to grow and these
trace nutrients are also needed by shrimplets and shrimps. It provides a source of food
for newly born shrimps by promoting biofilm in the tank, which the shrimplets eats on. 
It is also an alternative food sources for juveniles and adult shrimps and lowers the infant
mortality rate of shrimplets while improving the survival rate for adults. It establishes
a balanced microorganism environment which is essential for healthy shrimps, other fauna
and flora in a tank.
This products can be used as on going to maintain a healthy level of bio activity, resetting an old failed tank without redo the tank and use to speed up tank cycling.
Use Mosura Bioplus when you have a population bloom, this will ensure each of your shrimplets get enough microorganism as food to enhance survival and growth.
We advise to increase oxygen level when Mosura Bioplus is used, anyway, shrimps like oxygen rich environment. We recommend storing this product in cool places before and after opening. Reduce feeding when Mosura BioPlus is used as shrimps take it as a food source.