
商品名稱: Mosura Tonic Pro 水晶蝦免疫增強劑      貨號: MR-007


商品名稱: Mosura Tonic Pro 水晶蝦免疫增強劑
販售單位:  一瓶 (淨重25g)

Tonic Pro是一種可提高水晶蝦免疫系統的維他命食品

益生菌(Mosura BT-9 Bioplus)也發揮了有效的作用
Tonic Pro還富含了β-葡聚醣,此成分經研究證明可提高蝦的存活率。

添加Mosura Pro時建議可搭配 Mosura BT-9使用,能提升蝦隻的免疫力。
Mosura Pro也可配合其他飼料當作輔食,建議餵食頻率約為每週3次


Product Name:Mosura Tonic Pro
Net Weight: 25g

● Product Description:

Shrimps have an innate immune system that responds to infections, 
but their adaptive immune system is inadequate to handle most infections. Enhancing
the immune system through nutrients and immunostimulants is important in improving
host defense capabilities in shrimp. Probiotics (Mosura BT-9 and Bioplus) also plays an
effective role in improving defense capabilities.

Mosura produces Tonics Pro which is based entirely on plant ingredients. Shrimp Tonic
contains high level of nutrients and immunostimulants which provide a general line of defense
for shrimps by strengthening cells to increase resistance to virus and bacteria attack. Shrimp Tonic
is able to increase vitality and help in the growth of shrimps and even fishes.

Beta-glucan is one of the immunostimulants in Tonic Pro, the role of Beta-gulcan in immune
responses has been well studied and proven to increase shrimp survival rate.
We strongly encourage the use of Mosura BT-9 with Tonic Pro to provide 2 lines of shrimps
immunity.Tonic Pro is a food supplement, we advise to feed with this about 3 times per week in small
amount to your crystal red shrimps, red bee shrimps and other species of shrimps.

To improve health of shrimps in problematic tanks, use Mosura BT-9 to improve the water
quality together with water changes, then feed with Tonic Pro.